Are most Muslims really “moderate”, or aren’t they?

Some people might actually find this a stupid question, but I noticed lots of western humans have the preconception that Islam is a Religion that inspires only radicalism.

This is simply not true. Sure, there are suicide bombers, Islamic inspired attacks against our western “holy” values (like i.e. freedom of speech/expression, women’s rights, etc…).

But, think with me for a moment. If most Muslims were radical ones, wouldn’t there be a lot more onslaughts that really happen? Like… say several a day?

Are there? No.


This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t follow it closely, or that there aren’t some being avoided by intelligence services. We, in Europe, experienced how fast Christianity became like that in the past very quickly.

In my opinion it are just THOSE moderate Muslims that can DO something about our wrong preconceptions about them. By being more vocal in explaining how Islamic radicalism actually differs from real Islam.



It could make others better understand the situation. But, then again…

Who am I?



Author: The Free Thinking Mind

-Carlo Landzaat, Secularist, skeptic and agnostic atheist, supporting freedom of speech, expression and free thought.

3 thoughts on “Are most Muslims really “moderate”, or aren’t they?”

  1. Carlo,

    Islam has always been spread by the Jihad, which is through war.

    And Islam has been the perennial enemy of Western Civilization since the Islamic Jihad stormed out of Arabia in the 7th century Anno Domini.

    Contrast that with Christianity which started as a Palestinian gutter cult and within 3 centuries became coin of the realm.

    The realm being the entire Roman Empire.

    Christianity has always been an intellectual and social force except when threatened with existential annihilation.

    Islam has always been spread by violent conquest.

    Radical Islam is THE real Islam.

    And even the so-called non-radical Muslims would ditch Western social justice for Sharia without hesitation.


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